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Category: Poems

Stringent Paths

Stringent Paths

Written June 19, 2020 a father knows for certain that life’s curtain has been closing as he (foolishly) lay dosing so he (rightly) teaches his son how life must be done he declares with some flares of his noticeable nose hairs: men tout mustaches and women eyelashes arsonists learn to be is to burn clothes are not worn when babes are just born now my son you are wise! I await my demise the son quite confused and not quite amused wonders: however will I…

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Myopic Scope

Myopic Scope

Written June 19, 2020 there is a world where shadows move sundials and the ignorant fall into an easy rhythm where colors are mixed by unworthy hands on weak pallets into paste that is palatable where bravery is pixilated and thoughts are made two dimensional where truth is found trembling beneath a rock and so the beat rolls on as the world tips precariously resting gracefully on invisible madness Myopic Scope © Safira Schiowitz

The Inchworm

The Inchworm

Written June 19, 2020 there is perfection in the inchworm who crawls beneath the turmoil of the battlefield he expands as ruby encrusts emerald  as fang meets shield  as metal crushes bone he contracts as towers topple as dirt blinds as light sees sound in that special moment when eyes acknowledge ears the inchworm curls into half an infinity for it is wise The Inchworm © Safira Schiowitz



Written May 5, 2020 on the trellisof the minddrips perfumefree of firefetid dust it waftswith pure wonder rich entitiesstop servingaqueous syrupto the masses search inburnt turretsstoop lowin long meadowscast notthe shadowthat leads to the devil Journey © Safira Schiowitz



Written April 10, 2020 weeds thrash gentlyspecks of light dancingaround my kneesworn with dustwebbed patternsthe plumbs ruby in that golden waya fly leads my eyesto the lesser tearsof life the weeds thrash gentlyspecks of light dancingaround the webbed patternsof the plumbs rubyin that way of rotshining bright in death i say to the plumbin my living waywe have the same pulsethat integral juiceof life Weeds © Safira Schiowitz 



Written April 30, 2020 it is only a matter of timebefore we are black and whitephotographs on a pixelated screen we should only be so lucky if we sink our teethinto unrefined sootwhat will be left to dobut to darken the pagewith insanity history is a canvassplattered and blotchedwith foamy inculcations for the masses to chew nauseating naïvety it was looked at aswonderdrool the elixir of lifethe meaning is therebut shrouded in rosesand smoke we gaze innocentlythrough a prismof refracted truths we will shatter…

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Omnipotent Disk

Omnipotent Disk

Written March 21, 2020 what do you think aboutin the darkness of the morning?you search for eyes to speak toimagine a world in which stars could fall freely  glass spares no reflectionthe eye is convolutedit tells refracted truthsfluid like waterit speaks in the tongueunspokenwallows gold in shifting dunessinks into the nighttender with darknessask it to listenit staresyou know the words it whispers summon stardust   Omnipotent Disk © Safira Schiowitz

We Watch Silently

We Watch Silently

Written March 12, 2020 they tell me that my lungsare like spongesendless pathwayshollowed rivuletsspiraling into oblivionwhen my wish is to fillballoons near my heart withcleansweetairuncontaminated by other people’sbreath soured with time fluctuating between worlds the good and baddon’t care who maketheir beds We Watch Silently © Safira Schiowitz

Food Chain

Food Chain

Written March 18, 2020 The lizard who sitsClinging to mesh Beady eyes smilingHe is the poetHands widen in each DirectionScaled body lowersScaled red flag spreadsProclaiming I am the master Of the universeThe hawk sits prettyThinking otherwiseAnd I watch from my window Food Chain © Safira Schiowitz

Idle Plights

Idle Plights

Written March 11, 2020 Iwaves sleep softlyand whisper secretslike moon fliesinto the night millions of starsreflected the sky turns its face upwardlooking for guidanceand sees the worldending the sun conferredwith her sistersshe said it wasn’tall for naught as she crossesher fingers inred furysmiles with thoseruby lipsdances into theblack wonder who is to reassure us now? we crybut we knowthere will be a tomorrow IIyou smell fate’ssly breath onthe back ofyour neck while youwrithein invisiblechains tell metell me now who feeds usthe poisonthat…

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